Kundalini Yoga
What is Yoga?
To begin, we must remember that the word Yoga comes from Sanskrit: jugit . It means "to join together" or "unify". Yoga is a tool for the union of the individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness.
The yogi and the yogini are beings in the process of learning and discovering this Universal Consciousness through the practice of Yoga.
There are many forms of Yoga: Hatha, Ashtanga, Yin yoga, Acro yoga, Bikram...
Yoga is often thought of as a sport when it is a mindfulness practice. Yoga can indeed be a physical practice, like Hatha Yoga for example, the so-called "effort" yoga where one awakens to Universal Consciousness through asanas (postures). We often forget the existence of other types of Yogas that are not necessarily physical such as Yoga with Mantras, a discipline that uses sounds to protect and project the mind towards Universal Consciousness, or even Karma Yoga, the yoga of selfless action .
And Kundalini Yoga in particular?
Kundalini Yoga is dedicated to the awakening of consciousness through the activation of divine and creative energy called kundalini .
The kundalini is present in each of us; it is dormant and resides at the base of our spine in the form of a coiled serpent.
Once activated, the serpent uncoils and the energy spirals up the spine through all the chakra (energy centers present in the body) before arriving at the top of the head at the crown chakra.
Kundalini yoga is an energetic practice rather than a purely physical practice. It is a set of many disciplines: Kriyas (series of postures), meditation, Pranayama (breathing) and chanting of Mantras. All of these disciplines are dedicated to activating the kundalini in order to find our original Self.
Kundalini Yoga is the ultimate technology to awaken your awareness and take you into your original Self. It is a natural unfolding of your own nature.
Guru Dharam
Kundalini Yoga
What is Yoga?
To begin, we must remember that the word Yoga comes from Sanskrit: jugit . It means "to join together" or "unify". Yoga is a tool for the union of the individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness.
The yogi and the yogini are beings in the process of learning and discovering this Universal Consciousness through the practice of Yoga.
There are many forms of Yoga: Hatha, Ashtanga, Yin yoga, Acro yoga, Bikram...
Yoga is often thought of as a sport when it is a mindfulness practice. Yoga can indeed be a physical practice, like Hatha Yoga for example, the so-called "effort" yoga where one awakens to Universal Consciousness through asanas (postures). We often forget the existence of other types of Yogas that are not necessarily physical such as Yoga with Mantras, a discipline that uses sounds to protect and project the mind towards Universal Consciousness, or even Karma Yoga, the yoga of selfless action .
And Kundalini Yoga in particular?
Kundalini Yoga is dedicated to the awakening of consciousness through the activation of divine and creative energy called kundalini .
The kundalini is present in each of us; it is dormant and resides at the base of our spine in the form of a coiled serpent.
Once activated, the serpent uncoils and the energy spirals up the spine through all the chakra (energy centers present in the body) before arriving at the top of the head at the crown chakra.
Kundalini yoga is an energetic practice rather than a purely physical practice. It is a set of many disciplines: Kriyas (series of postures), meditation, Pranayama (breathing) and chanting of Mantras. All of these disciplines are dedicated to activating the kundalini in order to find our original Self.
Kundalini Yoga is the ultimate technology to awaken your awareness and take you into your original Self. It is a natural unfolding of your own nature.
Guru Dharam